08-Tiling On Balconies And Terraces


Do not tile onto new screed or concrete. Leave screed or concrete for at least 6 weeks before tiling. Duration may extend in lower temperatures and/or high humidity conditions. The screed should be wetted each day during curing to prevent formation of cracks caused by shrinkage, in dry and hot ambient conditions.

The substrate must be clean in order to ensure the adhesive bonds properly. Surfaces should be clean and free from dust, dirt, grease or any other contaminating barrier. Subsequently hardened or polished surfaces and laitance (concrete and etc.) must be removed by scabbling. Ensure that substrate is mature, sound, stable and smooth, and not too dry or wet. It is recommended to clean up the surface with pressurized water.

The deepest point of the application surface in 2 m long gauge should not exceed 7 mm. For larger deviations, the surface should be smoothened with flooring products.


Tiles of any format and size as recommended by the manufacturers.




On terraces, before fixing tiles waterproofing and thermal insulation applications should be completed, respectively.

Waterproofing application should be held on pool terraces with CERMIPROOF FF, cement based two component, and full elastic waterproofing material.

High porosity substrates should be primed with CERMIFILM before applying CERMIPROOF FF. Priming will balance the water absorptivity of the surface and enhance bonding adherence. Wait for at least 3 hours for the primer to dry and then continue to waterproofing application.

Mix two components of CERMIPROOF FF to a smooth and homogenous paste. It is recommended to use a low cycled electrical drill-mixer for mixing. The paste should rest for 3 minutes prior to application and should be applied after remixing.

CERMIPROOF FF is applied over the surface using a stiff brush or a paint roller at a minimum rate of 1,5 kg/m2 (corresponding a coat thickness of 1 mm). It should be applied over the surface spreading out evenly and ensuring full overlap between each brush or roller application.

2 coats of application are recommended, ensuring a total thickness of 2-3 mm at minimum. The second coat should be applied as soon as the first coat has dried (reached initial set of 6 hours). Apply the second coat in right angles to the first coat application direction to ensure a pinhole free application (in practical, application is recommended in such that first coat in horizontal and second coat in vertical directions).

Reinforcement with flexible tape or alkali resistant reinforcement mesh should be performed in order to prevent any water leakages at cold joints (internal corners). Reinforcement is embedded in the first coat of waterproofing, when the coat is still wet, as recommended by the reinforcement manufacturer. Upon drying of the reinforced first coat, second coat should be applied as described above.

Application on hot surfaces and during sunny and/or windy weather is not recommended. Cracks may happen due to sudden shrinkage.

Following application must be done at least 48 hours later after waterproofing material has set.

For thermal insulation, XPS type polystyrene thermal insulation boards should be selected in the format and installed as recommended by manufacturers. After covering the floor with XPS boards seamlessly, the boards should be covered with a compatible protective mat and cement screed finish of minimum 5 cm thickness on top of mat.

For fixing tiles select CERMIPLUS

Gradually add clean water to powder (in quantities as stated in technical legends of products), and mix to a smooth and homogenous paste. It is recommended to use a low cycled electrical drill-mixer for mixing. The paste should be in a consistence such that it does not flow when handled with a trowel. The paste should rest for 3-5 minutes prior to application and should be applied after remixing.

Fixing with CERMIPLUS; apply the adhesive on the substrate (for tile sizes >33x33 cm, adhesive should be buttered onto the tile back as well) with a suitable notched trowel to achieve the required bed thickness. Glass tiles, natural stones and marbles should be fixed with double buttering method. The tiles must be fixed within the open time of adhesive and pressed on with a twisting and sliding action to achieve a good contact. The tile should be gently hammered with a rubber hammer in order to provide the stability of bonding and the adhesive to spread and fully cover the tile back. Lift an occasional tile after fixing to verify that the required contact is being achieved. To improve the technical performance of the adhesive, it is recommended to add CERMILATEX into the mixing water in the ratio 1:3 (As for the mixing water; instead of 3 scales of water, 2 scales of water and 1

scale of CERMILATEX). With additive added, CERMIPLUS can fix tiles in sizes up to 60x60 cm.

Excess adhesive must be cleaned off from the tiles and joints with a damp cloth or sponge before it hardens.

In fixing transparent and light colored tiles and natural stones, a sample application should be carried to observe the possibility of the formation of stain and shades. In case, white coloured adhesive should be used.

To prevent water puddles, particularly for outdoor and wet area applications, the floor should be leveled with an inclined of 3% along the direction of drain.

Grouting should start after the adhesive has set and dried. Cementitous grouting material’s colour may taint due to adhesive’s cement content and colour.

For grouting application select one of CERMIJOINT EPOSOL, CERMIJOINT

3-10 FLEX, CERMIJOINT 2-10 HRC according to technical requirements.

These grouts have very low water absorption values and improved

technical performance, thus they are ideal for grouting outdoor and wet areas.

While applying the grout, carefully follow the rules and instructions on product packaging and technical legends of the products. For a easier application and to ensure full final product performance, the grout should be applied at an ambient temperature range of +10 °C - +25 °C.

For cementitous grouts; do not add more water into the mixture or rewet once the mixture is prepared. This will cause the set grout to be weak. It may also cause discrete holes and grains on grout surface, and surface discolouration and variation which will be more noticable with darker grouting colours.

To improve the technical performance of CERMIJOINT 3-10 FLEX (improved resistance and flexibility and water repellency features), it is recommended to add CERMILATEX into the mixing water in the ratio 1:3 (As for the mixing water; instead of 3 scales of water, 2 scales of water and 1 scale of CERMILATEX).

Grouted surfaces must be protected for at least 24 hours from direct sunlight, frost and rain.

Expansion joints should be incorporated to allow for slight movements due to changes in temperature, humidity and thermal and mechanical loads formed on the surface and substrate. Expansion joints should be provided considering heat transmitting systems and insulation applications, floors exposed to heavy traffic and pedestrian loads, wideness of the area, where tiling meets other materials, along all internal corners, existing movement joints or changes in background material. As described above expansion joints absorbs the stresses formed between different movement capacities of overlapping materials. Thus, it prevents the deformations that may arise in the flooring and covering. Expansion joints should be insulated by using proper profiles or mastics. Cementitous grouting materials are not appropriate for expansion joints.

No coatings or coverings should be applied on the existing dilatationzones and structural expansion joints in buildings. These zones should be insulated by using proper profiles or mastics.

If there exist any expansion joints on the floor, artificial expansion joints should be created. Before laying the covering, cold joints should be formed on the screed within rectangular areas of minimum 4 m x 4 m (for large sized tiles up to 8 m x 8 m) with minimum depth of 1 cm. Spiral or concrete cutting machines can be used for forming the joints. If the area is smaller than 4 m x 4 m, expansion joints should be incorporated in the shape (+) on the area. If this is not possible, expansion joints should be laid within columns. These artificial joints will eliminate the stress  ormed by the structural movements of the building.

Expansion joints should have minimum width of 6-10 mm along internal corners (wall and floor intersections) this rule should be followed, and skirting should be fixed upon to the completion of tiling.

CERMITHANE mastic can be used to fill expansion joints.